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COOM Profile: C-OPEN


The COOM C-OPEN profile allows for the representation of arbitrary cardinalities for a specific element. Here, the exact cardinality does not need to be defined in the knowledge base nor by the user during the configuration session. In contrast, the required number of instances is calculated by the reasoner based on constraints defined in the knowledge base.

Building Blocks

Example: Cargo Bike

The CargoBike specializes in transporting luggage. The user enters the desired wantedVolume and wantedWeight of the items to be transported. Subsequently, the reasoner calculates the required number of Bag instances with their respective sizes.

Cargo Bike

In the knowledge behavior definition we can see that the sum over all instances of bags.size.maxWeight is captured in the totalWeight value. This value indicates the total weight capacity of the CargoBike. The totalWeight is later compared with the user entered value wantedWeight. For volume requirements this also holds for bags.size.volume, totalVolume and wantedVolume. We compute the sum over all currently existing Bag instances since no concrete index is given.

With this knowledge the reasoner must generate a sufficient number of Bag instances, each with its corresponding size, to ensure that the equations are satisfied. To guide the reasoner during this process of instance generation, we include the optimization statement minimize countBags. This directive aims to generate the least amount of bags that still satisfies wantedWeight and wantedVolume.

product {
    CargoBike cargoBike

structure CargoBike {
      num /kg totalWeight
      num /kg wantedWeight
      num /l  totalVolume
      num /l  wantedVolume
      num     countBags
    0..99 Bag     bags

structure Bag {
    Color color
    Size  size

enumeration Color { Green Blue Red }

enumeration Size {
    attribute num maxWeight
    attribute num volume

    small   = ( 10 12 )
    medium  = ( 15 16 )
    large   = ( 25 20 )

behavior CargoBike {
    require sum(bags.size.maxWeight) = totalWeight
    require sum(bags.size.volume) = totalVolume

    require totalWeight >= wantedWeight
    require totalVolume >= wantedVolume


behavior CargoBike {
    imply countBags = count(bags)
    minimize countBags